APRIL 12,2016
Hi everyone
I've inserted a few pages from my book that I'm currently writing, regarding deliverance. I hope that it will encourage you and uplift your faith, feel free to share it on your social media pages such as Facebook and others you may have. I'm also, as you may already know and have been watching our Surrender series, along with Rev. Mike Bearden, we've begun to write our outline for a two book series from this broadcast.
We hope that it's been a blessing to you, we are trying to raise funds to enable us to publish these books, we ask that you would prayerfully consider in assisting us by becoming a monthly partner with a donation of $10, $15, or $25.00 to help raise the funds for publishing these book projects.
to donate please go to the Home page, and click on Donate button located on right side of Home page.
Thank you for your continued support for our ministries, God bless, your brother in Christ,
Evangelist Joel Torres and Rev. Mike Bearden
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By Evangelist Joel Torres
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There may be times that you may feel that everyone else is moving in life and even in ministry ahead of you even though, you know that God has pointed you in the right direction, and feel others may even judge you and try to put you in a place of not bearing fruit because you may not be prospering in the natural as to what they may determine what's fruitful and think that your miss directed.
Take confident in where God has called you for the moment don't get discourage, so here is something to encourage you with....
"Don't fret about the delay of your success compared to others, because construction of a TOWER takes more time than an ordinary house!"
The word says:
"But these things I plan won't happen right away slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place, it will not be delayed."
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Evangelist Joel Torres
Living on EMPTY

People today have become accustomed to what I like to call "living on empty." The "low gas" warning light has been on for a while. Yet so many have simply adjusted their lives to function on little to nothing. While flexibility and adaptation can be of huge benefit, spiritually speaking this means compromising the standard that once guided our every day decisions.
A well known leadership development book called "How Full is Your Bucket" is written to challenge leaders to see the importance of keeping themselves filled enough in order to continue filling others around us. This concept of "staying filled" must be an active part of our every day dependence on God. Scripture tells us to "Be filled (or remain filled) with the Spirit..." Scripture does not teach to "run on empty." Did you catch that? "Be filled with THE SPIRIT..." Wow, I fail that one often. Filled actually carries withit the meaning of "controlled" by The Spirit. So, one can say that if we are daily seeking to be filled, we should be daily seeking to be controlled. That requires humility and brokenness in the eyes of God.
As a believer in Christ, my God given right as a child of God is to be FILLED/CONTROLLED by His Spirit. Anything less is just "empty".
Living on Empty is no way to live. Again, there are days and sometimes weeks that go by where I fail to live in the "fullness" of Christ. But my morning goal should be to recognize my "warning light" and turn over my life control and be FILLED with His Spirit. How are you feeling? Remember, Living on empty is usually based on feelings. Find the Joy (from the inside/out) of The Creator to keep you FULL, even when life drains your tank.
Posted by Mike Bearden
Ok, maybe you've heard this before. Or maybe not. But with over 25 years of professional experience in the lives of many, I believe that I must comment on the crippling effect of our wonderful advances in phone technology.
The growing impact of texting has not produced better communication. It has definitely increased the amount of communication but not the quality of our time with others. People have integrated into the lives with others the ability to "hide" their real selves and often seek individual affirmation and identity through the virtual world of electronic relationships.
I cannot tell you how many times my own teenagers will outwardly share their frustrations with others because of the (back and forth) 50 line text with another friend. And it doesn't even occur to them to use the phone for its intended purpose (A PHONE!). They seem to forget that the phone was invented to TALK with others and listen to them personally. Wow, what a concept.
What drives me crazy is that other forms of social networking have also begun to cripple our society because of the real lack of interpersonal relationships. Many are now incorporating "virtual identity" (allowing their social network life to determine their identity) into their personal identity. It won't take you very long to recognize this. Within 60 seconds of viewing your favorite social network, just watch as people post or chat about their animals, their food they so proudly made, and especially their kids.
OK, I get it. Social networking has greatly increased our ability to share our joys with others. Awesome. But I have also discovered way too many persons who now view communication electronically as the norm instead of verbal, face to face conversations. What disturbs me even more is this trend disabling individuals from really dealing with root issues in their personal and social lives. That's crazy. Great communication tools designed to help us communicate are actually having a grave impact on our personal growth and development. Just like anything else, too much of a good thing can harm you. Yes, even social networking.
It's time to stop hiding behind the keys and increase the amount of "facetime" we have with those involved in our lives.
Communication is KEY in today's world. Let's take full advantage of those electronic opportunities to maximize our lives. But let's not let it determine who we become by ignoring ourselves or others.
Posted by Mike Bearden
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